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are also their ideal choices. Even though some girls cannot afford the bags of high class, they tend to buy fake ones. Why are the girls so crasy for high-grade bags? Why are the bags labelled with famous trademarks that enchanting? In my opinion, there are three main reasons.Nowadays one name plate is more than one trademark to distinguish itself from others. Obviously, name tags have been a symbol of social status. If you take one Hermes bag with you, your bag tells people around that you are rich or you are in a high position.

As regarding this, most people buy famous bags to satisfy their vanity and show off their wealth. Indeed, a high class bag can dwarf other ordinary ones.Bags with name tags also show your good taste of elegance and your pursuit of beauty. The unique designing and novel style of each bag add lots of credits to the famous bags. Each newly designed famous bag becomes the fashion setter. Thus once you use one, you then wear a very fashionable label which make you shining among the crowded people.Moreover, the high quality of the bags with name tags can catch lots of people's eyes. Famous bags are popular not only because of its brilliant designing but also of its excellent quality.

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