
replica handbags on the leather square beneath

They refuse to cut corners but are not extravagant, striving for "Creativity without extravagance". Their handbags are consequently high quality products that won't break the bank that tend to be bright and colorful and incorporate distinctive details and shapes. They are manufactured from fine colored leathers plus a variety of other materials. Their craftsmen pay extreme attention to detail throughout the manufacturing process.This year their spring collection is a choice of soft leather bags with creative hand-crafted detail that emphasize light Summer shades of yellow, pale pink and ivory, with "vibrant apple green highlights".The spring collection was a great success with the fashion press and has been featured in the main fashion magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle Accessories and Marie Claire.

How to Spot a Fake Radley BagThe growing popularity of Radley bags has unfortunately led to the creation of fakes and replicas.Radley take the problem of fake bags very seriously and have taken steps to combat the forges.In the Autumn/Winter of 2008 they introduced a new authentication label in the form of an LCD printed label containing a form of Mirage technology. The Radley dog logo changes color from light to dark when you lift it up to the light.Radley bags are the manufacturers of designer handbags to introduce this form of advanced security.All Radley bags have an aluminum dog logo inside, on which is embossed the RADLEY name. Radley is also embossed on the leather square beneath.

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